

Olaf Radtke

Mr. Olaf Radtke has been an Associate Lawyer with FREY Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft since October 2017. His law studies at the University of Cologne focused on Intellectual Property, data protection law and eCommerce.

Having worked in an advisory capacity in the energy sector for several years beforehand, he passed his first state examination in 2014.

During his subsequent legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, Mr. Radtke has worked, inter alia, for the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia, gaining insight into the legal supervision of both public broadcasting and private online media. His practical education was completed by working for several renowned law firms, gathering further experience in advising business clients of various sizes in the field of IP/IT and Media Law.

Before his admittance to the bar on December 5th, 2017, Mr. Radtke had been supporting FREY Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft, working as Legal Expert and Research Assistant.

His working languages are German and English

    • Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 18.11.2021 – I ZR 106/20 – Kabel-TV-Anschluss, Praxis im Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht (GRURPrax), 2022, S. 125 (mit Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey).
    • Autor in: Frey (Hrsg.), eSport und Recht, Nomos Verlag, 1. Aufl. 2020, § 26 Regulatorische Aspekte der kommerziellen Verwertung von Veranstaltungen.
Olaf Radtke

Olaf Radtke


Agrippinawerft 22
D-50678 Köln

Tel. +49 221 42 07 48-00
Fax. +49 221 42 07 48-29