Dr. Matthias Rudolph, born in 1972, is a partner of FREY Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft. He studied in Passau, Tours and Bonn. During his one-year study stay in France, he obtained a diploma in the field of European law and policy.
After his first state examination in 1999, he devoted himself to his doctorate and worked for an internationally active law firm in Düsseldorf (now Beiten Burkhardt). By dealing with a film law topic in the context of his doctorate, he specialized in the field of copyright and film law.
In 2003 he passed the second state examination and completed his doctorate. Dr. Rudolph focuses on comprehensive legal advice and representation of clients in court in the areas of copyright and media law, intellectual property law as well as telecommunications and data protection law. Working languages are German, English and French.
Dr. Rudolph is a specialist attorney for copyright and media law and lectures at the University of Applied Sciences Europe GmbH in data protection, telemedia, trademark and domain law. He is a member of the German-French Lawyers’ Association, the Freundeskreis der Düsseldorfer juristischen Fakultät e.V. and co-initiator of the kölner forum medienrecht e. V. (kfm).
Dr. Rudolph is co-author of the Beck’sche Onlinekommentar zum Urheberrecht Möhring/Nicolini (§§ 112-119 UhrG and part Insolvency law) and the new Heidelberger Kommentar zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (§ 20 DS-GVO), regularly publishes academic articles and gives lectures on current topics of copyright, media, data protection and telecommunications law.
Among other things, Dr. Rudolph is recommended by the study “kanzleimonitor.de” as a lawyer for IT law and intellectual property law, and is also listed by the U.S. publication Best Lawyers in the list ‘Best Lawyers Germany’ in the area of “Intellectual Property Law” as well as in “Media Law”, thus being recognized for his special expertise and knowledge.
Specialist copyright and media lawyer
Agrippinawerft 22
D-50678 Köln
Tel. +49 221 42 07 48-00
Fax. +49 221 42 07 48-29